What this is about

         All of the scraps and bits below - which will be added to as I clean out my files - are oddments that I've written or collected over the last godknows how many years of scribbling. But I realise now that I haven't anywhere near enough time to use them, already have more than I will ever get to, but I can't just delete them. I can't stand the waste! And surely most of them have a smidgeon of merit.

        There's been plenty of times over the years that I've fallen over someone else's scrap, or had a line jump into my head, and I've run with it, used it as a spasm of inspiration to make a story out of it, or added it into another piece of work. (I think my record has been to take 7-8 completely unrelated scraps and turned them into one of my favourite short stories - "The Bugg Woman's Grandfather" (in the "...Falling Off The Perch Club" collection).

        Anyway, there's no copyright on this stuff, so feel totally free to use any of them as you want.


                    Trev Edmonds
