Scraps # 2


        You would imagine, in my situation, that I would have a clear understanding if what “God” is – at least whether Him Her It A Void – but I don’t.

        He came to believe that the true measure of his arrival at old age would be whether or not he could still put his shoes and socks on without sitting down.

        Once you have outgrown that mad impulse to stick your penis in holes, you are finally free to put your inner energies into something constructive ... but by then your mind has become lazy.

        Having cheated on her once, in the march-hare and middle-life madness of his fourth decade, she always believed he had a capacity for deceit.

        He was picky. He couldn't eat anything of a certain texture, like mushy, which tended to rule out peaches, mangoes, pears, apricots, and bananas, in fact just about all fruit but apples, along with squash, mashed potato, pumpkin, and all cooked vegetables other than quickly blanched carrots

        He believed an object of consumption had an intrinsic right to be used for what it was intended, and would feel a little sad, at least regretful, for even a sheet of wasted, unused, toilet paper.

        She had a knack of knowing when the slightest thing was moved from its ordained position in her world .. move it slightly .. she'd unconsciously move it back while talking.

        There comes a quiet moment, arriving without warning, in which you realise that Life – YOUR Life – has reached its zenith, and is now diminishing, and steadily. And there’s not a single fucking thing you can do about it.

        She did some of her best creative thinking under the shower, it was something to do with the sensual nature of hot water running down her spine.

        He could never work out why his jeans always wore through there, right in the crutch, just under his balls, godknows it wasn’t because he was in danger of bursting through any more.

        He used to write so well in the afternoons, after a pint of stout, or a glass or two of red, but now all it seems to do is make him doze off.

        Thomas came to believe, in middle age, that if he wrote down enough people’s stories, he’d get a glimpse of God, sort of - catch God unawares. And it would be a starting point.
