Read this first...

         In no reasonable universe would I see myself as a "Successful Author". But I am a compulsive reader, writer, researcher, have been forever. The writing bit started when I was 13, dabbled till I was 18 and discovered girls cars and motorbikes and got distracted, then it was families mortgages and earning a living, didn't start writing again till I was about 35 when it took over my head, haven't stopped since.

        But when I was 52 (1990) I got serious and dived into the world of "being an author", found an Agent, got published, did modestly well. Have been orbiting around the writing and publishing world (not as successfully as I would've liked) ever since.

        In the hope that I can help someone else trying to break into that world, everything below is my slant on what could be useful to know. Dig away....
