Nailing It

          Nailing It

What’s it all about?
I'll tell you what it’s all about
It’s all about trying to make sense out of things
Things like Gravity
Things like Love and Getting Even
Things like Luck and Lust
And degrees of madness
And setting the bar two pegs higher than you can jump
Things like random acts of compassion, and selfishness,
     and being able to tell the difference
And what about Linda Rondstadt I ask you
     legs and roller skates and tracks that make you want to bash your head
     on the desk in sync, and hard, just to get involved with the whole
     fucking experience! Now there's something to ponder on!!
And it’s about trying to make sense out of God
And labradors and lesser life forms
It’s about trying to make sense out of the neverending background hum
     of the dynamo, the Big Engine, like that

And I ask you this...
     Do any of us get even close to nailing it?
     Hard to say
     Probably not

(Gee-zuz, I DO so love writing this shit,
    Fridays after lunch,
       but I must go a touch easier
           on the glasses of red stuff... maybe)

        © T.R.E. 1977

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