"nostalgia (noun) - a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past." (Cambridge Dict online)
"nostalgia (n) - homesickness as a disease, sentimental yearning for (some period) of the past." From the Greek 'nostos' return home, and 'algos' pain. (Concise Oxford Dict)
"...can bring a sense of comfort, happiness, and connection to our identity..." (Google)
This is the first of my 2024 Xmas goodies, a grand wallow in memories of the 1940s-1950s radio shows I used to listen to as a kid - "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men ... only The Shadow knows!" - golly gee they don't make stuff like this any more...
...with my head crammed into the old cabinet battery Radiola, hanging on every word. Sad that mostly the things from childhood that you loved just don't stand the test of time, somewhere along the way we grew up and got sophisticated.
Actually, even more recent, bought a box set of the old B&W "Untouchables" for Xmas, the TV series we drove across several suburbs once a week in 1959 to catch on the father-in-law's set - nup, now just comes across as a bit dated, a heap of "B' grade actors doing 'B' grade storylines, saved only by a touch of nostalgia and the great narration by Walter Winchell. And 119 episodes!
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While on Chrissie presents (I have this feeling that the family have worked out what Trev/Dad/Grandpa likes), this is the whole list, a fairly eclectic collection to get me through 2025 (will report as I go)....
Golden Days of (Aust) Radio
A current "International Bestseller"
The world events of the first full year of my life
Secrets of Churchills War Rooms
Geology for Dummies
1970s memoir of a world-travelled pain in the neck
Pascoe's Aust Short Stories Qly (Issues 56, 36, 37, 39, 48)
Poetry (from all over - 5 volumes)
Short Stories (ditto - 4 volumes)
A time-worn travel hardback from 1941
The Shed (The Sequel)
Memoir of a 1950s outback grader driver
A mining town from the Rigby Sketchbook series
The 2021 Furphy Analogy
A 1946 Biography of C. J. Dennis
I reckon I need to get through two a month to be ready for Xmas 2025.