Monday 5 August 2024

Back to the future...

         Before Covid I used to walk to my favourite cafe on my "free" mornings and get in an hour of quiet writing, the old pad and pen type, then later transcribe on-screen and follow up with all the editing. It worked well. But Covid stuffed up so much in the way of routines, and then our friends sold the cafe. Upshot was I switched to working at the desk only, do all creating and editing direct on screen.

        But now I've developed "Screen Vertigo", a fairly common syndrome where, if you spend too much time at the computer you get a thing like travel sickness, woozy head followed by dodgy stomach. A load of fun! Upshot, I've had to re-think once more, especially as so much of what I love to do needs time at the PC, writing and researching.

        Actually, my first run-in with this thing was about 15 years ago, after an intense three hours of re-programming a suite of stuff for my old company and, ignoring the warning signs, I suddenly found myself on all fours on the floor! I suppose having spent the last 35-odd years working with computers, no wonder my head is giving me just one more reminder that I'm inexorably falling to bits. (Geez getting old is bloody fun!)

        So, now I'm back to having to write - even legibly! - with pen and pad, quickly load it up (or read it in with my wonderful new Voice-To-Text gizmo - bless you Microsoft!), then print off.

(An hour later)

        The above was all I squeezed out of one sitting today, before going a touch doo-lally. Do you have that problem? Seems that many do, so mustn't complain. As per my new mantra for Life - It is what it is. Get on with it.

        But the best thing is, I find that pen-and-pad puts me into an old "zone", another time, when that was all that was available. It has somehow re-jigged my brain. Makes me more - what? - primitive? Like the old days, when I first learnt to write, learnt to access The Ghost. That book (below) on "Blokes & Sheds" fired up something, and I've found a very satisfying streak of images, thoughts, ideas, a whole philosophical thing even. Makes me feel good. And that's what it's all about. Exploring one's neurons. Discovering Self.

        So, get stuffed Nature, I'm still standing!


