Thursday 3 October 2024

Currently writing

         Still on that train of getting started and inspiration and methodology and all that - I've put up the front end of my current project over in "Pandora's Box".

        As I said the other day, all I do is get hit with an idea and follow it, for a while at least, to see where it goes. That small book of "Blokes & Sheds" (below) got me thinking about what a "Shed" really is, to a bloke I mean, and it got me sucked in, as you should be able to work out from the first piece of it. I've been working on it ever since.

        Okay, it's always going to be a very "male" story, but if you sharpen your eye you should be able to see the deeper, non-gender, story. But I'm not going to add anything else, it's up to you to make what you can of it.

        So, the thing is, just get an idea and chase after it. Not all spasms of inspiration will "go" somewhere, and I for one have about as many non-starters as ones I follow and make into something. And yep, some of them turn out to be a touch different than what I expected, as that's the whole point of exploring inside your own head. As I said once - "I read to know you, but I write to know me."

        See what you reckon.


